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Ultimate Eco Home

Requirements In order to create a home that ultimately integrates with ecology, that is nature, we need to build it as though it grew organically, like a plant. As humans, we need it to shelter us, to provide protection from the elements as they exist… Read More »Ultimate Eco Home

Modular Straw Bale

Many different concepts for a modular straw bale wall exists. The most popular is a take on the conventional straw bale method of using stucco as the surface of the wall. This method can be used with modular straw bale by framing the modular straw… Read More »Modular Straw Bale

Ultimate Eco Tiny Home

Building a home out of renewable materials is possible when building a tiny or smaller home. Using straw to insulate the module wall panels as well as modular roof and floor panels makes it easy. This home shows how easy it is for anyone to… Read More »Ultimate Eco Tiny Home

Straw Bale Construction

First of all, you need to get comfortable with the idea of building with straw. I know when I first heard about the concept I was exceptionally skeptical despite a strong desire to build sustainably. My gut instinct told me that perhaps it would rot… Read More »Straw Bale Construction

Birth of Natural Living

It started when my son Ian was born. The birth of my son Ian and then just 22 months later, my daughter Claire, triggered an understanding of how we’re all connected, and how that connection continues through time. My son Ian brought tears of joy… Read More »Birth of Natural Living